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  • Braunston Shlakat

Welcome 2023!


I think our household is still adjusting to getting back into routine after the holidays! With 2022 coming to an end, I can't help but look back on everything that happened in the least year. It was our first "normal" year after my surgery in 2021. Life was getting back to its normal pace, and Wren continued to bring so much light and joy to our lives. Don't get me wrong, this past year we were met with a "threenager", and I don't think anyone can prepare you for one of those - yikes! As we learned to navigate her sassiness, and stubbornness, we were also able to see more of her soft and loving personality. We will never get tired of her impromptu "I love you's". All of our holidays, celebrations, and milestones just hit a bit different in 2022 as we were glad 2021 was over.

With everything that 2022 had accomplished, I go into 2023 with lots of excitement to see what the new year has in store for us. One of my biggest hopes is that I remain meningioma tumour free, and that the pituitary gland tumor remains stable. I am off to my next scan on January 25th and trying to stay as positive as possible. I am hoping for quick results, but know that if it takes a while that is usually a good thing, although the waiting seems impossible.

My sister actually had to make a visit to London, and if you have a big sister you know how they can be veryyyy protective. It was approaching the end of November and I still hadn't heard from London about the results of my July scan. I had heard from my family doctor, but hearing it from London always seems to make it official for me, personally. Nonetheless, that waiting was hard on not only myself, but my family who knows that I really value the news/opinions of my nerosurgeon. My sister being the big sister she is, figured she was there already and she would make an in-person visit to the neuro floor in London and see if she could talk to someone about why it was taking so long. She called me and said very casually, "what floor is neuro at the hospital?". I told her floor 7, and she replied with "okay perfect, I'm going to go pay them a visit and see if I can get some answers!"... the next day I get a call back saying they had met with my sister and they gave me my results hahaha! It's nice to know that no matter the task, my sister will always have my back!

I will have some repeat bloodwork around March to see if the PG tumor is effecting my hormones at all, and if all comes back normal, we will be in the clear for another year :)

I am excited for all things ahead, and Wren starting school in the fall is a big highlight of our year. I cannot believe she is off to school, where has the time gone!?!

As posts become few and far between, it is nice to know that there isn't much "new" to report on, and hopefully it stays that way! Here is to hoping for a smooth, happy, and healthy 2023!

For now, here is a little peak into our Christmas Holidays....

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