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  • Writer's pictureBraunston Brown

Summer 2022


Summer has come and gone, and it was one I will never forget. All the stars just seemed to align and we were able to do everything we wanted and more, yet it never ceases to amaze me how fast time goes. A couple highlights from our Shlakat summer include:

  1. A trip to Germany (with only my mom, dad, and sister)

  2. Wren spent a week with Nana and Papa in Ottawa

  3. Multiple weddings for friends and family

  4. Wren's 3rd birthday

  5. Bridal showers and bachelorette's

  6. Pool parties

  7. Camping trips

  8. A family weekend on the lake

We were able to make so many great memories in the midst of it all, and we wish the warm weather didn't have to end.

Health wise for me, the summer was nothing short of perfect, but I did received the results of a clear scan. Although I am still waiting for the official call from London, (my scan was almost 2 months ago, ugh) about the next steps and how we are going to move forward, I have stopped waiting for the call. I know what the results are and that is what's most important. I am still hoping I hear back within the month to see if the next scan will be in 6 months or a year, but for now I am extremely content. Life feels busy, but busy with all the right things. Don't get me wrong, I still have my bad days, they have just been few and far between lately.

Although summer is gone, I am thankful that I am well enough/able to be starting work again full time right off the hop! It is such a small detail, but something I wasn't able to do last year so its nice to still be able to see signs of progress. I am excited to get started with my grade 5's this year and hope we have a fun filled year. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine and think everyone in our household will benefit from some structure! Our fall is still jammed packed with a ton of fun/important events, but we wouldn't want it any other way.

Now we reminisce until summer 2023...

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