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  • Braunston Shlakat

2.5 Years

Well as the 2.5 year milestone comes up in mid-December, it is again another time of the year that is filled with a lot of emotions. With Christmas coming up, I try to remain positive, but in the pit of my stomach I still have that ball of anxiety, and all of the "what if" questions seem to surface more often than I'd like to admit. I still have yet to hear from London since January, and at this point have no idea when my next scan will end up happening. The last I heard was that my scan was supposed to be repeated in July, and well, that has come and long gone. I call at least once a week (sometimes more) and leave a message asking for a follow up phone call or an MRI date, with no luck so far! I would love to have it done before Christmas so I can go into the holidays with some answers, but at this point I'm not holding my breath.

I am currently waiting for bloodwork results to keep an eye on my Pituitary gland tumor and cross my fingers my levels are within the appropriate range.

My last post was Wren's birthday and wow, a lot has happened since then. Wren has started school and is LOVING it, and it's great to be in the same building as her and see how she interacts with all her friends. She is back to playing hockey, received her first report card, went on her first field trip, is learning to read, and is more than excited for Christmas!

We are excited and eager to get down to Ottawa this year for Christmas and have a fun and festive December!

Update: This post has been sitting in my drafts for close to 2 months, and a lot has happened in that time! I went for my MRI on Jan. 4th and prayed for good results. I received a call from my doctor 4 days later and she asked me to come into her office to go over the results; naturally my heart sank to the floor. For previous scans, my family doctor has told me results over the phone and simply says the results are "good" and that "there is no evidence of disease regrowth" which are the magical words we hope for every time! This time however, she said she could not give me results over the phone as she wanted to speak with me, and she had scheduled me for the next day at 3:45.

So the chaos began. Through neverending tears, Tanner met me at her office after work to see if I could speak to her that day instead of waiting until tomorrow, but I was unable to. I then went back to work to prepare to be off the next day, where I was met with my administration and coworkers, all in the midst of tears as I was preparing for the worst.

The next day I was off, so I got Wren ready for school and dropped her off and knew I was headed home to simply wait around all day for results. Once I got home from dropping off Wren, my mom was already at my house and ready to keep me occupied and play the waiting game together. Tanner slipped into work and was home around 9am to also wait with us. Our goal was to stay occupied as we all knew that time would tick on as slow as possible. I called the doctors office at 8:30am and asked if there were any cancellations and any possibility that I could get in earlier that 3:45, and thankfully she said I could come in at 2:45. Throughout the day we completed the planning of our bathroom reno, which was a big job that needed to be done, so that was a bonus.

At 2:30 we headed for the doctors office and our hearts were pounding the whole time. Our doctor arrives and she pulls up the MRI and starts asking me if I have had any neck pain, in which I replied that I had a slight pain but nothing out of the ordinary. She continues to talk about my neck which was very odd. I then had to stop her and ask her, "Is my tumour growing back?". To which she responds "no". Tanner and I instantly look at each other and let out a big sigh of relief. My eyes started to well up and the relief I felt was like nothing else!

Long story short, the MRI picked up a spot on my spine so she had wanted to look at my neck and ask some questions in person. She thought it would be a good idea to send me for a neck MRI just to confirm it was nothing. Last week I went for the MRI, and I received the results today showing that the spot in my neck is comparable to my spine MRI that I had two years ago. She assumes it is a bulged disk that just hasn't healed so they have no reason to believe it is a mass of any kind. YAHOO!! I will chalk that one up to years and years of gymnastics injuries.

After the appointment we drove right to my parents house, as they were watching Wren, and shared the good news! There was a constant flow of happy tears, sighs of relief, and a round of drinks! Wren and my nephews were full of hugs and everyone just hung on a little tighter than usual. In that moment, I don't think I could have been any happier!

So currently life is good, and the last month has served as a good reminder of how lucky I truly am to have Wren, Tanner, our families and our friends!

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