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  • Writer's pictureBraunston Brown

School's Out!


Well, school is out for the summer, and man oh man are we ever ready for it. The thought of not having to go to work and being able to have our days move at a little bit of a slower pace is amazing. We aren't wasting anytime this year, because last summer sucked and we feel a little cheated haha! Wren is already off to a busy start, we have have beach days, soccer practices, gymnastics festivals, camping weekend, story book park visits, and pool days. Even though I thought I would never speak these words, I think Wren's swimming lessons are finally paying off. She is now able to swim on her own in her puddle jumper in the pool. If you would have saw her 10 weeks ago at her first swimming lesson, you would be as shocked as I am at this moment. She is loving soccer and gymnastics, and begs to go on the swings at the park every chance she gets. We hope to stay as busy as possible throughout the summer and really take advantage of it as much as possible.

As busy as we are, and as busy as we like to be, there is still the looming thoughts of what the next MRI will bring. This is the the first 6 month period I have went post surgery, and will also mark over one year since surgery. I say this about every scan, but this one has a lot riding on it. If I look back on how the last 6 months has went, it hasn't been great. In my opinion, our household has never really been back to normal since we had Covid. Wren seems to always be battling something, so we are hoping we get a small break this summer before fall sickness begins. I am noticing more headaches as the months go on, and have recently been more dizzy. I have called to let London know that I have been getting dizzy again, so really hoping that that isn't an indication of something. But, I know that every time a scan approaches I go down these rabbit holes and always think worst case scenario, so I am hoping that the way I am feeling is just stress related and isn't a sign of the tumour growing again.

This scan has a lot riding on it because it brings along a lot of big questions along with it. I wonder if it hasn't started to grow again, does that up the chances of it not coming back? If it is going to come back, within what time frame do they usually see regrowth? This scan will also take a much closer look at the pituitary gland tumour, which I am hoping is (in medical terms), "unremarkable". With a "complete resection" like I had, I sit at an 80% chance of the meningioma not coming back. I know that's a high percentage in the medical world, but if it has happened to you, you know that its hard not to focus on the 20% chance of it coming back.

With all these questions and the scan looming I am finding it mentally tough to look past July 14 (the day of the scan). I know I won't get results until likely the week or two after, but if the scan were to show regrowth, there goes my summer yet again, and we potentially start up a whole other list of medical appointments and treatments. If there were to be regrowth there would obviously still be a ton of questions that come along with that, but from what I have gathered over the last year, I believe we would likely go ahead with radiation. To be honest, even writing the word gives me a small panic attack. That being said, I hope and pray that the scan comes back clear and that everything continues on the right track. If I get good news about this scan, then I can get a little more excited about all the fun that is to be had this summer. So if you're reading this... please cross your fingers and toes and any other body part you can and hope for a clean scan!!!!

I hope everyone has a safe, happy, and healthy summer!

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Jul 12, 2022


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