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  • Writer's pictureBraunston Brown

On Your 4th Birthday…

Another year has come and gone and within the last year not much has changed, which again is a good thing! At this point in the year I usually have another MRI coming up, but I haven't heard back from London since my last scan in January. I am hoping to get an appt soon and get it out of the way. As we are always crossing our fingers and toes for good news post MRI's, it's hard to keep my mind from wandering, but Wren's birthday is always a warm and welcomed distraction. I hope she can look/read back on this year and realize how much she has grown/accomplished while she's only 3. We don't know how we got so lucky with her. If there was anything I could tell her on her 4th birthday it would be...

Dear Wrenley,

Oh my little Roo Roo, how are you 4!? Time is a thief, and if I could freeze it I wouldn't hesitate for a second. Not that 3 has been... easy per say, but it sure has been fun! As every year passes you continue to bring so much love and laughter into our lives, with a side of sass! You are smart, strong, independent, determined, kind, helpful, and we couldn't be more proud of you! This year you fell in love with sports and it's been such a joy to watch you. Although I want you to do gymnastics and your Dad wants you to do hockey, you seem to love both, along with soccer and field lacrosse! Your favourite things continue to be your family, your "pups", jokes, and movie nights. We love you so much it hurts!

Now your Dad and I fully understand the term "threenager" and we can't wait to see what four has in store! This year you are off to school, and I don't think you could be more ready. We look forward to the friends you make, the adventures you embark on, and this new chapter as our big 4 year old. We hope you continue to learn, accept everyone for who they are, and always lead with kindness. I can't wait to pass you in the hallways, and maybe have a quick midday hug! We are sure you will take the world by storm.



P.S. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

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