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  • Braunston Shlakat

MRI Results

Updated: Sep 5, 2022


With Wren's birthday in the past, I waited by the phone anxiously awaiting the results of my MRI. On July 7th I had a slight issue that lead to me to emerge in quite a panic. That morning I had woken up, gotten Wren ready, and we went out to my sisters house. When I came home, I made Wren lunch and put her down for a nap. I jumped in the shower, and all of a sudden I had lost hearing in my left ear. After giving it a while and trying multiple things, I started to worry. Tanner was outside cutting the grass, so when he came in I had told him what was happening. He suggested that I go to the hospital as the night before I was down and out with a bad headache, and figured that within the last 24 hours he had seen enough, and thought that a trip to emerge was needed. Hearing him say that I should go also worried me a little more, as he is always the very level headed one when it comes to me overthinking my symptoms and often talks me down and gets me to give myself a couple days before panicking. Once he told me to go, it was within minutes I was on my way up to get checked out.

I was triaged and had to wait a little while in the waiting room. My hearing in my left ear was completely gone, and scaring me to death. Tanner was on Wren duty but was able to drop her off at my sisters and come sit with me. After hours of waiting the doctor finally suggested doing a CT scan to rule out any possible head/brain surgery related issues. I did the CT and everything looked good, she even mentioned that she hadn't seen any tumour regrowth but that I would still need to go for my MRI on the 14th to get a more precise and definite answer. She probably thought I was crazy because when she told me the CT looked fine, I started to cry. I get myself in so deep that I had convinced myself that the tumour was growing back. Hearing the news that a "scan/MRI looks good" has quite possibly become one of my favourite sentences ever!

I was glad the scan looked good because I was supposed to be heading to the States to go shopping with my sister, mom, and aunt THAT NIGHT! I asked the doctor if she thought that going would still be a good idea, and she said to do what I was comfortable doing, so I went. I'm trying my best to rebound and not let the medical things linger and affect too many decisions going forward (much easier said than done). I went to the States and had an amazing time!

As far as the hearing, or lack there of, she said it had to just be viral. I would have to give it a couple weeks, and if nothing changed then I was to go back and see my audiologist, which I saw only 6 months ago. I figured I could either sit at my house and miss out and not be able to hear out of one ear, or I could join in and just go to the States and also still not hear out of one ear - I was happy I went!

Knowing the CT scan looked good, it made waiting for the MRI results a little easier. Although that dark cloud of the MRI results still loomed, it was a little lighter this time. As I waited to hear back from London I tried to physically stay as busy as I could, to also keep my mind busy and off the negative.

London still has yet to call me back about my MRI results, but my family doctor was also able to see the report and said that everything looked good! So, now I just wait to hear officially from London, and when they plan to schedule my next scan. I am assuming it will either be in 6 months time or possibly 1 year from now. My endocrinologist also called and said everything with my pituitary gland tumour looked good (well as good as a tumour could look) and said it looked stable and unchanged. I am to follow up with him in 1 year :). Even though London hasn't officially called, I know everything is ok and I am so relieved. I am now off to Germany for a week long vacation! I can finally get excited about the rest of the summer, and look forward to starting work full time in the fall!

Wren is loving every second of summer, she had her 3rd birthday and it was a blast!! Here is to continuing the summer fun :)

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