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  • Braunston Shlakat

March Break

Updated: May 1, 2022

THIRTEEN- At this point, health-wise, you know as much as I do... so now we wait again, but together!

A short recap:

1. There has been no new regrowth of meningioma tumour

2. Have found a small 2mm pituitary glad tumour (affecting factor 1 growth hormone)

3. I require repeat bloodwork to monitor hormone levels around mid-May

4. Next follow up MRI should be in June (waiting on appointment details still)

Meeting with my therapist is now my main focus. I am not waiting on any results at this point and wont have any until May, so now I need to learn to cope. I am working on sleep first, as I think that may be the root of multiple other things. Here is to hoping that learning to live in this new normal comes sooner rather than later.

So now that you are caught up, posts may look a little different. Posts may be shorter, less related to my health until there is new information, focusing more on the day-to-day, and just generally trying to highlight the good things in my life.

Last week we had March break and boy was it needed. Getting back into work has been great but definitely tiring and especially post COVID (that dang virus just seems to lingerrrrr).

We had such a great week as my sister has moved home and Wren is obsessed with having her cousins living closer. They spent as much time as humanly possible with each other.

Monday we started off with a visit to the library. We were able to read some books, take some home, and also pick up our weekly crafts they provide for FREE! If you have little ones at home, these crafts are amazing. They are easy enough that Wren can be fairly independent, and she loves seeing what is inside each bag. They do need to be ordered ahead of time but it is super easy to order online and pickup at the start of the week.

Tuesday we went swimming at the YMCA. Ryker was practicing jumping in with no life jacket and swimming back to the wall, Keller was able to swim on his own in his puddle jumper with confidence, and Wren was working on floating on her back in her life jacket. That afternoon Wren and Keller had a little play date, while Ryker went to one with a school friend. We made smoothies and muffins, and of course listened to "the floor is lava" song on repeat. Wren finished off the day with a new beading activity she got from a friend.

Wednesday the weather was beautiful! We went for a visit with great nana and then headed to the Harrison Park for a long walk and play that lasted the whole afternoon.

Thursday we headed back to the Harrison Park to meet a daycare friend of Wren's, we did another big walk and play for the majority of the morning. Tanner was off in the afternoon so him and my dad did a couple jobs in our house that needed done, and we finished Wren's room makeover.

Friday Wren's daycare friend came over for another play at our house and they enjoyed every second of it, there were tears when she left. We then went for a big walk with one of my friends and her puppy, and I also met a work friend for a walk for some me time. Tanners parents come to town for the weekend and Wren was filled with so much excitement when they arrived.

Saturday was rainy, so it called for a day full of indoor play with Nana and Papa Shlakat.

Sunday in Wren’s words was “a beautiful sunny day” which was a perfect way to describe the first day of spring! We went to watch Tan play hockey, went to multiple parks, and had a short bike and scooter ride.

A week of fun was sooo needed by everyone, now we count down the days until summer break!

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