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  • Writer's pictureBraunston Brown

Fall 2022

Updated: Jan 11, 2023


With summer over and fall upon us, we've all returned to our normal school/work/daycare routines quite nicely. Wren is in her 3rd year of daycare, and always keeping us on our toes when it comes to her ever changing vocabulary and her accident-prone ways. We all seem to strive on routine, so for me, life seems like it is exactly back to how it was pre-tumour, and it feels good! Wren is back to gymnastics, which she just can’t get enough of! She is loving watching her cousins play hockey, and has started her skating career, and loving it. It also helps that Tan can skate her around for a “lap” in between her attempts at it, the girl likes to go fast!

As much as life feels like it’s back to it was before, I have succumbed to the fact that there are things within each and every day that remind me of my tumour. Without even really realizing, I am always moving in a way to protect my head (specifically my left side) and refrain ingfrom anything overly dangerous still. I am still anxious for about 48 hours after anything happens to hit my head, and until you have had to be overly cautious of your head, you don’t realize how many times things come close to it or even just lightly bump it. My scalp is still fairly sensitive but as we are almost at a year and a half out, I think that that is just something I will have to deal with. I think twice about the products I use, and find that exercise seems to keep most of my headaches at bay. The best change since June 2021, is that I can count on one hand the number of migraines I have had, whereas before, migraines were a weekly occurrence. Headaches are manageable, but the migraines were at a point that they were altering my daily life, so I am LOVING this change!

I had my last MRI on July 14th, and if you can believe it, I have still not received the call from London. I got a call mid-October after calling them since July… and they said that they still had not looked at my scan, but that they would call me once they had looked at it. It’s November 24th, and I still have not heard back from them. I am still unaware of whether I am to have another scan around the 1 year 6 month mark, or if it will be up to a year between scans. At this point, I am going to go ahead and ask to have another scan around the 1 year 6 month mark since we are so close to January already.

The anxiety starts to close in as I get closer and closer to a scan, which is fairly normal for me. I try to stay calm and remind myself that I have no control over what happens, so I might as well enjoy my time between scans. It’s getting easier as time goes on to push things to the back of my brain and find time to worry about them later, but again, it's just something that will likely always be there.

So at this point, there is nothing new, and that’s just the way we like it! The only new thing is Wren getting a virus or cough/cold about every other week, but it seems like most parents are in the same boat right now. Here’s to hoping that London calls to confirm the results that I was given in July, and everything is good! Now we prepare for the hustle and bustle of Christmas! 😊

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