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  • Braunston Shlakat

Bloodwork Results


In the middle of May I was asked by my Endocrinologist to have some repeat bloodwork taken to monitor my hormone levels. The purpose being to see if my pituitary gland tumour was throwing any of my hormone levels off (last time one hormone was slightly elevated). Once my blood was taken I gave it a couple days to hear back, and I heard nothing. Friday May 13th I gave his office a call and left a message. I asked if there was any way someone could give me a call back about the results, after I explained the stress it causes me to wait for weeks. With no call back, I went into the following weekend a ball of nerves, awaiting the results. I then called again on Tuesday, to find that the office was now closed until Thursday (just my luck). Thursday arrives and I get a call at 5:30 pm, but was told they were still waiting on a couple more results from the bloodwork and I was to call back in a week or two. Even though there was no news to share, I was grateful for the call none the less, as he had likely understood how nervous I was.

I told myself I wasn't going to look at my results online and get myself all worked up over potentially nothing... but I did. I tried soooo hard not to look, but once I found out that the office was closed, and I wouldn't be hearing back until Thursday at the earliest, I had to. I wanted to know if the results were just sitting there. The results didn't come until the following week on Wednesday... I have no idea why they took so long this time, but it was painful!

I continued to check my results because I have succumbed to the fact that I suck at waiting, and can find temporary peace in knowing that there are no results to read. Once they are there, I think I have seen enough bad news that I understand they are not usually as bad as I think they are. This time the results were NORMAL!!!!! The hormone that was slightly elevated last time was now within a normal range. The normal range being from 89-290 and my results was 287. Those results are close to being abnormal, but it is still normal, and I'll take it! I was shaking with excitement. I know if it came back abnormal we would still likely just monitor it, so there wasn't even that much riding on the results but to know it was normal was soooo nice. The endocrinologist followed up with me that Friday and said that he is happy with the results, and that he would forward everything to my family doctor. He said to do repeat bloodwork each year to keep an eye on my levels. This is also HUGE. For so long the pituitary glad was my main focus and now being able to mentally check it off the list for a whole year, is such a relief.

I called my usual people to let them in on the news, and that night I slept like a baby! Now, I can't make any sort or assumptions/correlations on why my results this time were normal compared to last, but I have made some changes that I will continue to make to hopefully stay on the right path. I am sure levels fluctuate naturally but in between bloodwork I have again changed most of my products to EWG verified ones, and have tried to limit my chemical exposure/endocrine disruptors. Although, I will never be able control all my exposure, I will control it when I can.

Next hurdle... MRI on July 14th!

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