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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. The “M” Word serves as an outlet to share my past and present experiences, lessons that have been learned, and most importantly to bring your attention to how to advocate for yourself in the medical world. My life as a 29 year old had been flipped upside down, when a large meningioma tumor had been found on the left side of my brain. Now, some may argue this next point, but in my opinion the last 10 years could have went differently had I spoken up. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Home: Welcome

2.5 Years

Well as the 2.5 year milestone comes up in mid-December, it is again another time of the year that is filled with a lot of emotions. With...

2 Years

TWENTY FIVE Well, another year has come and gone and June 16, 2023 marks two years since I had my meningioma tumour removed. The day came...

Fall 2022

TWENTY TWO With summer over and fall upon us, we've all returned to our normal school/work/daycare routines quite nicely. Wren is in her...

MRI Results

TWENTY With Wren's birthday in the past, I waited by the phone anxiously awaiting the results of my MRI. On July 7th I had a slight issue...

On Your 3rd Birthday...

NINETEEN With my MRI done and over with, I try to regain some focus and perspective. Although I can't control the outcome of the MRI, I...

One Year

SEVENTEEN Well June 2nd, 2022 has come and gone, but this year it hit a little different. One year ago on June 2nd, I previously...

Pituitary Gland

TWELVE-With the start of the new year behind us, we now tackle the dreaded pituitary gland tumour. As time went on the worry around the...

A New Normal

ELEVEN- Phew, what a holiday break that was! Christmas was magical for us, Wren was in her glory. We were able to spend it in Ottawa with...

What Now?

TEN- My goal since surgery has been making it to the 3 month mark. While I sit on my couch for the rest of June, all of July, and most of...

The Sigh of Relief

EIGHT - A sigh of relief. After Tanner had asked for the code word and I responded with the correct answer, we both had a sigh of relief....

Sonia's Perspective (Mother-in-law)

LOVED ONE- Sonia's Perspective I’m Sonia. Tal (my husband) and I are lucky enough to call Braun our daughter-in-law. Tanner and Braun...

Time for Surgery

SEVEN - It's time for the surgery. While we drove down to London it wasn't an overly "chatty" ride. Reality was setting in for both of...

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